Bio 10V
Bio 10V is the biologically enhanced version of OPC’s BioCarbon-9840 product. We add a specially adapted package of beneficial biology to enhance and speed up the natural process of the breakdown of bio solids and hard to digest chemical compounds.
Bio 10V also removes H2S, Ammonia and Mercaptan based odors through natural, nontoxic processes.
Intended Applications for Bio 10V:
- Septic Tanks
- Anaerobic digesters
- Food digesters
- Holding Tanks
- Vault Toilets
- Composting Operations
- Portable Toilets
- Waste Lagoons
Bio 10V can be applied via spray systems or added directly to wastewater flows at the rates recommended on the label. A ‘shock’ dosage application followed by routine applications at lower dosage rates is recommended for best results.
Bio 10V – Biologically Enhanced Waste Treatment
- Safe, non-toxic solution that harnesses natural processes
- Establishes and maintains population of beneficial microorganisms
- Efficient and cost effective at large and small scales
Click the ‘+’ to read the difference that Bio 10V can make for you.
Horse and Alpaca Facility Trial
Odor and Stain Control – Horses and Alpacas
Alpaca Dung Pile – Barn and Paddock
To deodorize the barn and paddock area, we mixed a 3 ounce per gallon mixture of Bio 10V and water in a garden type sprinkling can. After removing accumulated manure, we applied Bio 10V over dung areas in paddock and barn. Odors dissipate within 30 minutes.
Wheelbarrow Deodorizing
We mixed Bio 10V in a watering type garden can and sprinkled it over the surface area of the empty wheelbarrow. Bio 10V reduced the odors generated from the wheelbarrow and reduced the attraction of flies.
Alpaca Shows & Transportation
Alpacas are usually penned on grass sod over concrete floors during shows. They tend to stay in one spot which gets saturated. After removing manure, we sprayed dung areas with Bio 10V to deodorize.
Occasionally Alpacas are housed in horse stalls during shows. Box stalls have clay floors. To prevent the fleece on show animals from getting contaminated, we put down turf grass type rugs. The Alpacas go on top of the rungs which get stained and retain odor. After removing manure, we sprayed the rugs under the dung areas. It deodorized the rugs during the show and during the ride home in the truck.
The second advantage is stain removal from the turf grass. We have always used a pressure washer to clean the rugs when we returned home. We would use detergent recommended by the pressure washer manufacturer. The rugs were clean, but remained stained in the areas where the dung had been. When we sprayed the rugs with Bio 10V and then used the pressure washer, all of the stains were removed along with the odor.
Alpaca Fiber
Initially I was concerned that the dark brown color of the Bio 10V might stain the fiber of the Alpacas if they would lie in an area where we had sprayed Bio 10V. I decided to experiment. I put white fiber into a bowl of full strength Bio 10V. I let it set for some time. I ran the fiber under water to rinse. I was delighted to find that not only did it not stain the fiber, but the rinsed fiber was snow white.
The leg fiber of Alpacas gets very dirty and stained from lying down in mud, grass and sometimes areas where there is manure. I now mix Bio 10V and put it into a spray bottle. I spray the legs of the Alpacas or any spot that is stained and then rinse with plain water from a hose. The stains roll off like magic.
Dog Kennel Trial
Odor Control – Dog Kennel Application
The odors generated from animal waste in dog kennels can be extremely offensive. Many kennel operators and owners have chronic problems in controlling these odors. The odors are a problem within the confines of the kennel itself, as well as in the septic tanks and holding ponds at these sites.
Field tests were conducted by applying the BioCarbon-9840 via a high-pressure hose-end sprayer at a rate of 6 ounces per gallon of water. The product was also applied using the chemical intake line of a pressure washer. No additional cleaning steps were required since the operators normally rinsed the kennels daily with high-pressure water. The results in reduction of odor in kennels were immediate. Within 24 hours the odors generated from the septic systems and retention ponds were also greatly reduced. By using the BioCarbon-9840 product in the normal rinse application, the operators also discovered a residual benefit in the reduction of odors in the septic systems and retention ponds. Another residual benefit will be the reduction of concrete corrosion in the floors of the kennel resulting from leaching hydrogen sulfide.
Incorporating the application of BioCarbon-9840 into the normal daily operation of the kennels controlled the odor problems at the test sites. Kennel odors were reduced immediately upon application and the odors emitted by the septic systems and retention ponds were under control within 24 hours.
Septic Tank Application Trial
Solids Reduction (System Restoration)
Septic systems are typically unable to degrade the bio-solids that accumulate in the tank and leach fields. While indigenous microorganisms are present in most septic systems, they are not capable of degrading the waste at a sufficient rate to keep the system in proper operating order. The end result in the best case is that the tank must be pumped out at a cost of approximately $175 for a standard 500-gallon tank. The worst case would be that the system has fail to a point that it must be removed and replaced at a cost of approximately $2,500 for a 500-gallon tank up to tens of thousands of dollars for larger commercial systems.
Organic Products Company formed a relationship with a company in central Florida to conduct a field evaluation of Bio 10V in a failing septic system. This company installed and repaired commercial systems.
The system selected for the evaluation was a 900-gallon system with 429 square feet of leach field. The system had completely malfunctioned. There was no drain evacuation and water had penetrated through the soil above the drain field and was standing there. The accumulation of bio-mass in the bottom of the leach field had created a shield (much like a layer of petroleum jelly over sand) that prevented the wastewater from leaching into the ground as designed.
First, the septic tank was pumped out. Water began to backflow into the tank from the leach field. This was another indication that the leach fields were definitely not working. The decision was made to pump the system because there was total blockage in all drains and lines, and there was no other method to get adequate flow in system to carry the product throughout the system.
Bio 10V was added at an application rate of 1 gallon per 100 gallons of tank capacity directly into the septic tank (9 gallons for the 900 gallon tank). At the junction box, 1 gallon of Bio 10V was added for each 100 square feet of leach field in the system (4.3 gallons for the 429 square feet in the leach field). Note: If the leach system is a chamber type system, the product must be added into each chamber based on the square footage of each line.
Within three days after treatment, the drains from the building began to flow more freely. Ten days after treatment, drain evacuation was performing as good as new. Sixty days later the bio mass accumulated in the bottom of the leach fields was cleared and the wastewater began leaching as designed.
With slightly over 13 gallons of Bio 10V the malfunctioning system was restored to normal operation. The owner saved $6,350 in repair/replacement expenses, and was not exposed to the unpleasant event of having his property in complete disruption of nearly a week.
The recommended maintenance dosage of a system experiencing problems is 1 gallon per month for a six month period. The maintenance dosage thereafter, and for general maintenance of an operational system, is 8-ounces per month.
Dairy Farm Trial
Odor Control and TSS Reduction – Agricultural Application
A large dairy farm was experiencing major odor problems being generated from the holding tank beneath the maturity barn. The barn was being rinsed twice daily and the holding tank was being pumped out once per month. When the tank was pumped there was a large concentration of straw, along with the animal waste.
Bio 10V was applied to holding tank and odors were practically eliminated with 24 hours. The farm operations manager continued to apply the Bio 10V daily for 30 days and the odor problem was solved.
The retention tank was pumped at the end of the thirty-day period. The farm operator reported total degradation of all waste, including the straw.
Bio 10V eliminated the odors, which was the primary objective. The product also degraded the waste, including the cellulose, simplifying the pumping and land application process. The operations manager continues to apply the product on a daily basis.