NutriHold™ Organic is a unique liquid soil amendment that is nearly identical in composition NutriHold™ but is formulated and OMRI® verified for organic use.
NutriHold™ Organic is composed of:
- Carbon
- Organic Soil Acids
- Organic Matter
- Naturally Occurring Soil Biology
NutriHold™ Organic works effectively as foliar spray but soil drench application is recommended. It can be mixed with other liquid products prior to application but do not store mixed solutions overnight.
Click the ‘+’ to read and see the difference that NutriHold™ can make for you.
Turf Trial
Golf Course Turf Trial
Upon its initial introduction to the horticulture market, NutriHold™ quickly established itself as an effective treatment for turf grass and sod. By providing the soil with beneficial microorganisms, bioavailable carbon, and organic acids (humic and fulvic acid), NutriHold™ may help develop soil conditions favorable for turf grass growth.
The photograph below is from a golf course nursery green and the difference between the NutriHold™ and control treatment is visually evident. Turf grass foliage tissue samples sent to an independent lab as part of an earlier trial also exhibited increased turf nitrogen content (which is associated with greener grass foliage) among the grass treated with NutriHold™ compared to the untreated control.
Cayenne Pepper Trial
On-Farm Cayenne Pepper Research Trial
In this trial conducted in North Carolina, NutriHold was applied to rows of cayenne pepper and its performance was compared to untreated rows in which all other crop treatment factors remained consistent.
The farmer noted that the soil at this site was very fertile flood plain soil. The positive trial results on this soil suggest that NutriHold can have significant benefits on plant growth even if soil is not degraded or low in organic matter.
The treated field received 2 gallons per acre NutriHold, applied through drip irrigation 3 weeks after planting. The treated row had a 20% increase in plant growth and fruit yield.
The photos below display the differences in plant vigor only several weeks following the application.
Blueberry Growth Trial
Impact of NutriHold™ on Blueberry Liner Production
Soil media used for seedling production and propagation is often inert and/or sterilized to ensure that no pathogenic microorganisms are present. As a result, these potting mixes typically lack beneficial microorganisms and high levels of organic matter. NutriHold™ can serve as a tool to optimize the quality of seedling soil media by adding these components. This can potentially save producers of blueberry plugs, landscape ornamentals, and perennials significant time and money. The trial below shows a side-by-side comparison of blueberry liners treated with a 1% NutriHold™ solution next to liners that were untreated while all other variables remained constant.
Grapefruit Tree Trial
NutriHold™ as an effective citrus greening treatment program
As the most devastating disease to impact the citrus industry in recent history, citrus greening is the primary concern of many experts throughout the industry. Some treatment programs centered on citrus tree nutrition have proven effective at achieving economically viable yields in greening infected groves. Among the most successful is the Maury Boyd Nutritional Program, which incorporates NutriHold™ (previously marketed under the name TurfPro).
The Maury Boyd program originally started as several different programs involving a variety of different nutritional and chemical products, but the one constant was NutriHold™.
This article details the program and the phenomenal success they have had with the yields of their groves despite citrus greening infections.